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A job offer from BOSCH

Marketing Management student Ferenc Móricz chose BOSCH Power tools for his internship. Working with Supply Chain Management, Sales, Marketing and many more got him a job offer from the company.
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Erhvervsakademi Dania

20-year-old Ferenc Móricz from Hungary wanted the full international experience when he moved to Denmark. During his final semester, Ferenc joined over 400.000 employees at one of the world’s leading providers for power tools, power tools accessories and measuring tools. His internship was cross-disciplinary, much like his studies.

 “I have many assignments and I work with various departments here at BOSCH. My main responsibility is bottleneck management and it is fascinating to see the close link between the production and the sales. In addition, I have many ad hoc tasks including gathering customer feedback, presenting at meetings and supporting the office in general’’, says Ferenc.

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Hard work pays off

Ferenc was given a great deal of responsibility at BOSCH. Working in close cooperation with other departments gave him the chance to learn more and be seen by the right people.

‘’I met colleagues from sales, marketing, distribution and production. I learned a lot from them and gathered valuable knowledge that helped me understand my tasks better and do a proper job. It was easy to get the bigger picture, to fit in and to perform well under these circumstances’’, he says.

 And his performance was rewarded with a job offer.

‘’Such a great honour to be offered a position in one of Europe’s biggest multinationals within Project Management and Purchasing Support. However, education is my priority and I chose to continue my studies. And who knows, when I am done, I might drop them a job application’’, smiles Ferenc.



Besides spending three months in a multinational company, Ferenc spent a semester in the UK at Sheffield Hallam University. READ MORE about Erasmus+ and Exchange possibilities at Dania Academy HERE.

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