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Outgoing Students

During your studies at Dania, you have the opportunity to go abroad for a longer period: your compulsory internship and/or a study-abroad semester at one of Dania's partner universities abroad, depending on your study programme.

There are two ways of studying abroad for a semester during your studies at Dania:

  • Within the Erasmus+ program, including Erasmus support, without paying tuition fees at one of Dania’s Erasmus+ partner universities.

  • Outside the Erasmus+ program, without Erasmus support, without paying tuition fees, at one of Danias partner overseas universities.

Erasmus+ Study Abroad Semester

Dania has Erasmus+ exchange agreements with a number of European universities, enabling their students to study for a semester at Dania, and enabling Dania students to study abroad for a semester. The university must be situated in an Erasmus country: the EU + Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia and North Macedonia, or in any other country.


Our Erasmus European Policy Statement can be found HERE.

  • Before going abroad

    Application deadlines

    For the autumn semester: 15 March

    For the spring semester: 1 October

    You’ll find the application form on our intranet, Moodle, under “International Opportunities”. Send it to Head of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,

  • Criteria for Erasmus Support and Application Procedure

    General Criteria to receive Erasmus support

    •    The student must be registered as a full-time student at Dania Academy.

    •    The student must have completed and passed at least one year of studies.

    •    The host university must not ask Erasmus+ guest students to pay tuition fee.

    •    The study abroad semester must take place in a country participating in the Erasmus+ program


  • Selection Criteria and Nomination

    In order to go on a study abroad semester, a student must be nominated by Dania. The relevant program manager will decide whether an applicant can go abroad or not. We will ask your lecturers whether they think you would benefit from a study stay abroad or whether it would be in your own best interest to stay in Denmark. We will consider your academic results, general study activity, and whether you will be “a good ambassador” for Dania.

    The number of study places is limited, and if the demand exceeds the number of places offered, in total or at a certain university, the relevant program manager will decide who goes, based on the above criteria. International students going to their home country are not eligible for Erasmus+ support.

  • What to study?

    When you have found out which university you want to study at, you must contact the program manager of your study program, to make sure that the courses you choose can be approved by the academy. Because your study program at Dania is quite short, you need to have a fairly close match between the subjects at your study program and the subjects you want to study abroad.

    Once the program manager has approved your subjects, you are guaranteed full credit for your study stay, as long as you pass the semester abroad.

  • Application to the host university

    When you have your approval, you must apply to the partner university. You will find the application form on the Erasmus+ pages of the university you want to go to. See links in the list of partner universities on Moodle under International Opportunities. If you need assistance, contact ead of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,

  • Learning Agreement

    Together with your application form you must send a Learning Agreement, which states the subjects you are going to follow and the number of Credits they give. This Agreement must be signed by you, Dania and the host university. All subjects must be approved by the relevant Program Manager.

  • How much do I get?

    During your studies abroad, you will receive an Erasmus grant of 490 or 540 EUR per month, depending on your destination:

    540 EUR: Iceland, Ireland, France Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway, (the UK)

    490 EUR: All other Erasmus+ countries

    700 EUR: the rest of the world (limited funding, no guarantee)

    250 EUR extra: If you are a provider.

    If you suffer from any disability, mental or physical, contact Erasmus Coordinator Flemming Andersen at for information about extra support opportunities. 

    80 % of the total grant will be paid out prior to the stay and the rest after the stay.

  • Accommodation

    The host university will assist you in finding suitable accommodation. If you need further assistance, contact ead of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,

  • During your stay

    If you need to make changes to your Learning Agreement, you must obtain the approval of your program manager. Changes must be made within the first 4 – 7 weeks of your stay.

    If you experience any problems that you cannot solve with the help of the local Erasmus office, please contact Flemming Andersen or your program manager.

  • Transcript of records

    At the end of your stay, you must ask the local Erasmus office for a confirmation of stay. You will find this document on our intranet, Moodle, under “International Opportunities”.

  • After your stay

    After your stay the host university will provide you and Dania with a Transcript of Records within 5 weeks after the publication of your results. If you have passed your semester abroad, you will be given full credit for your stay. See further information on the ECTS system. The International Office can help you with grade transfer.

    Your study stay abroad will be recorded in your final diploma. The transcript of records will be attached to your Diploma.

    If you fail to complete one or more exams at the host university, the following provisions will apply:

    At Dania students have 3 tries to pass an exam. This also applies in the case of study stays abroad. Consequently, exams taken at the host university count as tries.

    If a student fails an exam at the host university, he is obliged to participate in re-examinations offered by the host university. If permitted by the host university, the student can sit the exam at Dania.

    If a re-examination is not offered by the host university, or if the student also fails the re-examination and no third try is offered by the host university, he may take the remaining tries for re-exam offered by Dania in subject(s) whose content is the closest to the subject(s) failed at the host university.

    Exams at the host university as well as at Dania count as examination tries. Normal rules and regulations regarding exams apply.

    If your program manager will not recognize your stay fully, you may send an official complaint to Head of International Relations, Lise Bøgild-Jakobsen, 

Internship Abroad

All study programmes at Dania feature a compulsory internship; for most programmes 3 months.

As a student you are free to do your internship in a Danish company or abroad. If you choose to do your internship abroad, you may qualify for financial support from the EU program Erasmus+.

All nationalities qualify for Erasmus grants, but only internships in Erasmus countries will entitle you to a possible grant: the EU + Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia). NB: international students going to their home country will only receive Erasmus+ support if sufficient funds are available. 

It is basically the student’s own duty to find a suitable internship, which, however, must be approved by the Academy (read more of the approval process below). If you find it hard to find a company, contact either Head of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,, or the local international coordinator at your campus. We will then do our best to assist you. This may be by contacting companies that we have used successfully earlier, by referring you to university or other partners with whom we have agreements about finding internships for our student. On our intranet, Moodle, under International Opportunities you’ll also find a list of various organizations that find internships for students, for free or against payment. At our different campuses we have various internship days where we’ll invite potential internship companies and organisations and give general information about internships in Denmark and abroad.


  • General Criteria to receive Erasmus support

    • The student must be registered as a full-time student at Dania Academy.

    • The exchange period must take place in a country participating in the Erasmus+ program.

  • Grant size

    If you are eligible for an Erasmus+ grant, you will receive between 640 or 690 EUR per month, depending your destination:

    690 EUR per month: Ireland, France Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway

    640 EUR per month: All other Erasmus+ countries

    700 EUR per month: all non-Erasmus+ countries (limited funding)

    The grant is paid to you in two installments, 80 % (3 installments if the stay is longer than 7 months) of the total grant before your stay and the rest after your stay when you have handed in the necessary documents (see below). You may be able to apply for further grants from private funds. You find good sites for an overview of private funds here and here (in Danish). Also see Moodle for further information on scholarships.

  • Selection criteria

    Since the internship is compulsory, it is a Dania principle that all students are equally entitled for Erasmus+ support. the lowest priority will be given recent graduates. Should the need arise to cut further back on grants, students handing in their application after the deadline will be given lower priority than those keeping the deadline. If further selection criteria become necessary, we will inform about these on Moodle (Intranet).

  • Application procedure – Erasmus+ support

    As soon as you have decided to go abroad for your internship, send your application, which you’ll find on Moodle under International Opportunities, to Head of International Mobility Flemming Andersen, You can apply before finding a company, but if you change your mind, please inform Flemming Andersen immediately so that you don’t take away a place from a fellow student. See deadlines below.

    When you have found a traineeship company, the first thing to do is to fill in Dania’s own online traineeship agreement. Then you must e-mail the “Liability and Accident Insurance Declaration” to the company for signing and return it to Flemming Andersen. Please read the Erasmus+ Requirements for insurance carefully. You find both documents on Moodle/International Opportunities.

    When Flemming Andersen has received the “Liability and Accident Insurance Declaration” from you (or information that the company refuses to sign it), he will instruct you to fill in a questionnaire online. Flemming Andersen will use this information to generate all necessary Erasmus+ documents, which will be e-mailed to you together with an invitation to a Skype meeting or a meeting in person. During this meeting, FKA will go through all the documents with you, and you will sign them:

    • Erasmus+ Grant Agreement between the academy and the student about the grant
    • Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Internship Contract)
    • Conditions for receiving Erasmus grant

    The meeting with Flemming Andersen will be about the various conditions and requirements of receiving an Erasmus+ grant (insurance, changes in the traineeship, the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreements, preparing for the stay etc.)

    The Grant Agreement must be signed by you and the Academy, the Conditions by you only, and the Learning Agreement by the academy, the student and the company.

    All signatures can be electronic.

    When you and the academy have signed the Training Agreement, the academy will e-mail it to the company with an accompanying letter explaining about the Erasmus+ grant and asking them to sign the agreement.

    All documents must be signed before the starting date of your traineeship.

    You will not receive your Erasmus support before all documents are duly signed by all parties. You will receive 80 % (70 % if your stay lasts at least 7 months) of the total grant prior to your departure. You receive the remaining 20 % (30 % if your stay lasts at least 7 months)  after your stay and after you have filled in a) an online Erasmus+ evaluation, which will be emailed to you on your last day of traineeship, b) a Traineeship Certificate documenting that you have carried out your stay, and c) done your second language test (if applicable). A few weeks before the end of your Traineeship, the academy will e-mail you instructions about these items.

  • Application deadline

    The deadlines are based on the normal traineeship periods as stated in the study program.

    Traineeships   starting officially in January


    1 October   (application)

    15 November   (confirmation from company)

    Traineeships   starting officially in August


    15 April   (application)

    15 May (confirmation   from company)

    Traineeships   starting at other times

    2 months before   starting date (application)

    1 month before   starting date (confirmation from company.

    If you have applied for Erasmus+ support for your internship abroad and later decide to stay in Denmark, you must immediately inform Flemming Andersen.

    Applications handed in after the application deadlines will be given lowest priority and there is no guarantee that support will be granted. It is important that there is time enough for processing the necessary paperwork.

  • Language tests and online language course

    It is a requirement of the Erasmus+ Program that you do an online language test before and after your stay if you are using one of the following languages as your main working language: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and Swedish. If you have completed your first language test in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch or Portuguese with a result below CEFR level B2, you automatically receive an online language course in your test language. If you have done the test in one of the other languages, you will automatically receive an online course in your test language, if you have obtained a result below CEFR level A2 in the first language assessment. If you have not automatically received a course license, you may choose a language course in your main language of work, or in the local language of the country, if available in the online course system. NB: if you are a native speaker of the main working language, you cannot do a language test or receive a language course.


All you need to know before going abroad with Erasmus

  • Insurance

    It is you own responsibility to take out travel insurance before going abroad. We recommend that you have a health, accident and liability insurance. You can easily buy it here, but you may want to check the prices of other insurance companies, Gouda, Europæiske etc. See Moodle under International Opportunities” for more information. If you need assistance, contact Head of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,

  • Special needs

    If you have any special needs, for instance due to health problems, please make the ead of International Mobility aware of this, and we’ll do our best to help you. In some cases, an extra Erasmus grant can be given in case of special needs

  • Language and cultural preparation

    In connection with stays abroad, we strongly recommend that you obtain as much knowledge as possible about the host country’s culture.

    During your studies at Dania you have English and Culture classes. In the culture classes, you learn how to adapt to a foreign culture, and where to obtain cultural information on particular countries. 

    However, if you are going to a country in which you will not be able to get by with English, you should apply for evening classes in that particular language. The academy can help you find suitable classes. Traditional providers of such courses are FOF and AOF.

    Finally, if you are studying at one of our departments with international full-time students, we suggest that you find out whether there are students from the country you are going to. Talking to them will give you much information about the culture. For contact to these students, please approach Head of Mobility, Flemming Andersen.

    Language tests and online language courses

    It is a requirement of the Erasmus+ Program that you do an online language test before and after your stay if you are using one of the following languages as your main working language: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and Swedish. If you have completed your first language test in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch or Portuguese with a result below CEFR level B2, you automatically receive an online language course in your test language. If you have done the test in one of the other languages, you will automatically receive an online course in your test language, if you have obtained a result below CEFR level A2 in the first language assessment. If you have not automatically received a course license, you may choose a language course in your main language of work, or in the local language of the country, if available in the online course system. NB: if you are a native speaker of the main working language, you cannot do a language test or receive a language course.

  • Visa, health, etc.

    Please see the Danish foreign ministry’s country information pages. If you need assistance, cead of International Mobility Flemming Andersen,

  • Evaluation

    At the final day of your stay you will receive an e-mail with a link to an online evaluation form. Filling in this form will be seen as your request for the remaining 20 % of your Erasmus grant.

International University Partners

Erasmus Universities


Head of International Mobility
Erhvervsakademi Dania