After moving from Latvia to Denmark, Kristine decided she wants to do her internship in Denmark. Analyzing what she loved to do and where she would like to work, she started narrowing down her choices. She was hoping to find a company where she could be able to exercise her Danish. The Latvian student had some experience working in bars in her home country; therefore, she applied for an internship at all bars in Randers. A bar called “Tante Olga” first answered her request and scheduled an interview with the Marketing Management student.
"Going to work with a smile on my face"
Kristine’s tasks focused mainly on digital marketing and she created attractive and creative content for the social media platforms of two companies: Tante Olga and Café MacAle. She was responsible for creating engaging posts for ads in a local newspaper and in the local library. Another important task she was given was to follow up on the company’s customer activity.
“I really loved my internship and I went to work every day with a smile on my face. During my internship interview with the company, the Manager presented me all their activities. I liked the environment and I immediately felt like I would fit perfectly. “Tante Olga” is not a simple bar. They provide live music concerts, are very active on social media and most of the clientele is Danish. Therefore, I was prepared for my internship and I knew what to expect”, says Kristine.

International interns deliver the best results
Kristine was not the only one who was happy about the cooperation with the Danish bar. Her supervisor and Manager of the establishment also has great things to say about it.
Finding internships in Denmark has become a trend among Dania students in the past few years, making the Danish labor market fond of international students. Leif Bressum, Manager at Tante Olga agrees with the benefits of working with internationals:
“I believe it is very refreshing to talk to young people from other countries and hear their ideas about doing business in this industry. I enjoyed very much to have this kind of influence from the students. It is nice to hear that they have so many different opinions. It becomes really constructive”, concludes Leif Bressum.
I have positive and optimistic interns. They never said: ‘This will not work’. The international students were very interested in learning and practicing the knowledge they gained at school. They were hardworking and motivated to do their tasks and to deliver the best results. They understood the importance of deadlines in a company that organizes events and concerts. They even had their own ideas and I encouraged them to try to materialize them. The students did not work only for the business, but also for themselves.
Leif Bressum, Manager at Tante Olga