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Denmark seen through Virtual Reality glasses

IT Technology student Andrei-Sorin Ioanas from Romania did his internship at EON Reality Denmark and got specialized in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). He enjoyed his internship so much that he wishes to find a similar job after completing the studies.
Artiklen fortsætter under billedet Student during internship about Virtual Reality
Erhvervsakademi Dania

Passionate about computers, the 20 years-old student from Romania applied for the IT Technology Programme in Viborg at Dania Academy. He considered Denmark to be the right choice as it is one of the European countries that offers high quality education. He enjoyed Viborg so much, that he decided to try his luck and find an internship in Denmark.

For Andrei, the internship search was an easy process. During his previous semesters, he worked with his classmates on a project for EON Reality Denmark, a company that develops Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) educational projects. When he started the search, he contacted the company, got an interview and the rest is history.

A great internship in Denmark

“I enjoyed my internship because it was very interesting”, says Andrei. Not only did he gain experience in programming, scripting, working with VR, but he also got the chance to familiarize himself with the best practices in the industry. He experienced the Danish work environment and culture in the company, as he was collaborating closely with other teams, for example the Marketing and design teams. This fact helped him meet other people, both Danish and internationals. They spent their lunch breaks together and had a good time. His colleagues were very open and helpful whenever he needed help. “This unique experience we are offered here in Denmark in the form of an internship met all my expectations”, adds Andrei.

Andrei’s supervisor is happy about his work as well.

Artiklen fortsætter under billedet Young man standing in the internship office

Andrei showed great interest in doing his internship here and this is what every company wants - motivated interns/employees. His motivation to learn new things and work on projects has been above my expectations. I think every company will benefit from having international students and employees. They come with different backgrounds and view problems/solutions differently, which will have a better impact on the final product. The exchange of knowledge and culture is great.

Kasper Holm Bonde Christiansen, Technical Manager at EON Reality Denmark

No long plans survive contact with reality

Andrei realized fast the importance of his tasks and worked hard to deliver the best results. He was part of the development team that focused on developing and improving several projects. His main tasks were to create assets for existing platforms and come up with solutions. One of the tasks was to develop a concept for libraries in Denmark that would implement a virtual library accessible through VR. His innovative and creative skills became known once more when he was asked to bring new ideas on the table for future projects.


 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, Andrei continued his internship by working remotely from home.

“Since the lockdown started, I continued my internship by working from home and my tasks remained the same as usual. We continued our weekly meetings with the other departments and we had more meetings within the development department - all the meetings were online. We had everything online and we were very organized and it was easy for our leaders to check the work progress.”

On a short term, Andrei wishes to continue his studies in Denmark and find a job similar to the one he had during the internship, but he is also aware of the fact that things can also change: “No long plans survive contact with reality”, he smiles.

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