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Dania Academy Hybrid Degrees

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Erhvervsakademi Dania


Hybrid Degrees are unique programmes that offer you a degree that can skill you in many ways while you do not interrupt your daily life, hobbies or work for attending classes.

And even better! Offering one the best education systems in the world combined with innovative methods.

You do not have to rush anymore to catch the next bus to school or worry about early mornings, instead, you can relax in your favorite place and study through your digital devices.

The best part of it, is that you will still get one of the best and proficient degree between others.

HYGGE STUDENTS get the bigger picture!

What is a Hybrid Degree?

Hybrid Degrees represent a unique combination of online lessons and seminars preparing you for the real business challenges. Hybrid Degrees will provide you with the possibility to study online, attend classes when you wish to and what is more, become part of the exclusive community of #HyggeStudents

Hop-in in our dream bus and let’s drive towards the best life together!

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Web Content & UX Designer
Erhvervsakademi Dania
Senior Lecturer

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