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Surveys and Evaluations

Every other year, Dania conducts surveys and evaluations to determine student and employee satisfaction completes. All studies provide Dania with valuable insight.

Employment Surveys

Every other year, Dania Academy completes a workplace evaluation and an employee satisfaction survey. Both surveys provide Dania with an insight into the satisfaction of our employees with their workplace. Also, the surveys provide us with an awareness of where we need to improve in order to maintain a positive and knowledgeable workforce.   

Staff and Student Development Interviews

Dialogue between management and employees and between lecturers and students is important in order to keep Dania Academy moving forward. We have a concept, through which we continuously follow up on the individual’s well-being. Dania makes use of staff development interviews and team performance appraisals.

Satisfaction Surveys

Every fall Dania completes an evaluation of the satisfaction of our students in relation to their subjects, the lectures and our facilities. We perform the evaluation in collaboration with Ennova, which present us with a complete picture of the satisfaction, experience and loyalty. Also, the results give focus to certain areas, where there is room for improvement.

Internship Evaluations

The internship is a compulsory part in all our students' education. Internships must be relevant for each study programme, reason why here at Dania we work hard to ensure that our students get the best experience possible. 

Once students have completed their internships, Dania makes an evaluation for both the company and the student.

Grading System

At Dania Academy we evaluate constructively, in order to develop and match the needs of the future.

Denmark follows the Bologna system for external quality assurance of higher education in accordance with the common European standards and guidelines.

As a professional education institution, it is Dania's task to ensure and develop the quality and relevance of our education.

We do this by continuously and systematically working on quality assurance of our education and training.

To us, good quality represents:

  • Skilled students who are in demand in the labor market
  • Good learning environment
  • Well-qualified teachers
  • Organized teaching
  • Satisfactory internships
  • Good leadership