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Quality Development

As an academy, it is Dania's responsibility to ensure and develop the quality and relevance of our educational programmes.

As part of the internationalisation programme (Bologna-programme), Denmark is obliged to maintain a system through which higher education programmes are quality controlled in accordance with the common European standards and guidelines.

This is done by continuous and methodical quality control of our programmes and other courses, in which we work with quality control in connection with research, education and in practice.

High standards of quality

To Dania, high standards of quality are:

  • The best students, who are in demand in the business world
  • An excellent learning environment
  • Highly qualified lecturers
  • Satisfied internship companies
  • Great management 

The high standards also show that we maintain viable educational programmes, based on a high graduation rate.

High standards of quality are measurable, which is why we systematically evaluate. This is done by including the students, companies, lecturers and other interested parties, in the development of our programmes.

As a student at Dania you will help evaluate and improve the lectures. We discuss and clarify expectations to our educational programmes with you and other students and include you in maintaining the high standards of quality.

Contact the Quality Department

Director of Quality
Erhvervsakademi Dania
Quality Consultant
Erhvervsakademi Dania