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Do you want to help others see clearly? With a Bachelor's degree in Optometry, you get the opportunity to work with health, fashion, natural sciences, sales and people at the same time.

Do you dream of helping young and old to find the right glasses, so that they can both see clearly with them and so that they suit him or her? As an optometrist, often called an optician, you will probably work in an optician's shop, where your main task will be to help people with their vision.

You will carry out advanced healthcare eye examinations, investigate and measure vision problems, advise on glasses and contact lenses and help with exercises so that the patient can train his eyes. As an optometrist, you can also get a job with a practicing ophthalmologist or at public health centres, etc.

The education gives the right to use the title optometrist and is the basis for obtaining the Danish Health Authority's authorization to work as such.



Optometry (BA)

Education Level

Bachelor's degree - 210 ECTS points


3½ years


6+12 months paid internship

Study Start

August September


Randers or online





Content and structure

The Optometry education combines theory and practice and consists of a total of two years of theoretical teaching at Dania Academy and 1½ years of internship in a company. The internship is divided into two internships of 6 and 12 months, respectively.

The theoretical part of the training takes place at the Dania Academy. Here you will encounter theoretical and practice-oriented teaching combined with cases and examples from the everyday work in the clinic. You will participate in practical exercises in our well-equipped eye clinic and our science laboratory. Here you will get acquainted with the tasks which awaits you in internship and as a fully qualified optometrist.

Teaching lessons will on average take place over 3-4 days a week in the 1st and 2nd semesters, and over 3 days a week in 4th and 5th semesters.

The internship during 3rd, second half of 5th, 6th, and first half of 7th semester takes place in clinical practice, where eye exams are performed and treatment with spectacle lenses and contact lenses is dispensed. This enables you to integrate your theoretical knowledge with clinical your clinical skills under the guidance of a fully qualified optometrist.

At Dania, we believe that you benefit the most from teaching when allowed to mix theory and practice.


  • Optics, spectacle lenses, technology, and optical workshop

    You will gain knowledge about optics, how to calculate the power of a lens or an entire eye which is the foundation for understanding the treatment options for patients with eye conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

    Here you gain in-depth knowledge of spectacle lenses and frames and learn to advise patients based on their individual needs while ensuring quality. 

    A large part of this teaching takes place while you are in internship, and consists of learning how to measure spectacle lenses, fit spectacle lenses into a frame and adjust spectacles so that they fit the patient. 

  • Biostatistics, epidemiology, and scientific methods

    Here you are introduced to scientific methods used in health science research, including various types of data, how to choose the appropriate statistical test, and how to interpret outcome from statistical software. Furthermore, you are introduced to qualitative research methods, epidemiology, various study designs, systematic search for scientific literature, and critical appraisal of literature.  

    These skills are brought to use both when assessing patient data and for the bachelor project to design, carry-out, analyse, and communicate results.

  • Human Science

    You gain knowledge about the human body, including nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems, which is essential for understanding the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other common diseases which may impact eye health. You gain knowledge about the disease patterns, risk factors, symptoms and signs, and prognosis of diseases both treated and untreated. Additionally, you gain knowledge about infectious diseases and hygiene which is essential when examining patients in the eye clinic.

  • Legislation and trade

    During the internship your primary function is as a healthcare professional (optometrist), but you are also a salesperson, as your patients also buy glasses or contact lenses from you. During your internship, you learn how to exercise both roles professionally.   

    You must provide healthcare in accordance with evidence-based standards and be knowledgeable about legislation and regulation related to purchase, sale, warranty, and guarantee to provide optimum healthcare solution customised to every individual. You also need to know when and how to refer patient to other healthcare professionals such as general practitioners and ophthalmologists.

  • Ocular pathology and pharmacology

    You learn about systemic and eye diseases which affect the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. You will gain knowledge about age-related conditions such as cataract, dystrophies of the optical media, retinal neurogenerative diseases such as age-related macular disease and retinitis pigmentosa. You will acquire the necessary clinical skills to diagnose these conditions, and gain knowledge of prognosis, and treatment options including how pharmacologic agents work, their impact on the decease, and the side-effects.

  • Optometry

    Optometry is divided into refraction, binocular vision and low vision, and contact lenses and all three subgroups are included in both the theoretical semesters and in internship.

    Refraction is the foundation for the binocular vision and contact lenses, and it provides you with skill to determine the optical power of spectacle lenses for patient with farsightedness, near-sightedness, and/or astigmatism. Additionally, you gain knowledge about prevalence, clinical signs and symptoms, prognoses, and treatment alternative for these conditions. Furthermore, you gain insight about presbyopia and how to correct it with spectacle lenses.


    In binocular vision you learn how to examine, diagnose, and treat patients with disturbances that interfere with the coordination between the eyes, including optical solutions and oculomotor training.


    In contact lenses you learn how to examine patients for the eligibility for contact lenses, assess eye health and the impact of contact lenses on eye health, to determine the optimum type of contact lenses and how to modify prescription when required.


    In all three subgroups patient communication is essential for optimum outcome.

  • Visual science

    Visual science consists of Anatomy and physiology of the eye and Visual optics.


    In Anatomy and physiology of the eye you will gain an in-depth understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the eye including the near reflex, the optic media, the retinal translation of light input to nervous impulses which are processed in the visual cortex. You will gain knowledge about the how the nervous system initiates and coordinates eye movement. Furthermore, you are introduced to visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and colour vision, and psychophysical methods used to assess these aspects of vision.


    In Visual optics you gain knowledge about physical geometrical optics which provide you with an understanding of how the shape and structure of spectacle lenses and optical components in the eye influence on vision. This provides you with an in-depth understanding on refraction anomalies and how to correct it with spectacle lenses and contact lenses. It further provides you with understanding of customised optical solution for patients with rare eye conditions such as high farsightedness in one eye.


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