Dania students from a wide range of business, IT and technological study programs participated in a series of interactive workshops within design, marketing, IT, automotive management and service and hospitality management. Experts from Canada, UK, Belgium, France and The Netherlands facilitated the workshops.
Through this event, the interaction between nationalities and cultures – as well as cross-cultural communication has enhanced our students’ global outlook and international competencies - beneficial for their future careers.
Lise Bøgild-Jakobsen, Director of Counselling and Internationalization
International knowledge exchange
Dania hosted international guests from Sheffield Hallam University, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Georgian College, Durham College, University College Leuven-Limburg, ISTC Lille, Avans University of Applied Sciences and Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. The International Week was a rewarding event and Head of International Mobility, Flemming Kjærsgård Andersen explains why:
“The International Week has given our students the opportunity to get a different perspective on subjects relevant for their study programmes. The event gave many Dania lecturers the opportunity to exchange knowledge and discuss cooperation with our guests. For Dania Academy, it was a great way to internationalize at home’’.
Academic Advisor at Sheffield Hallam University, Emmie Louise Deakin agrees:
“For me, the International Week was an invaluable experience. It has allowed me to see how another educational system works and how students from various cultures work together. It was a great knowledge exchange that I will take back home with me’’.