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Students help company go green

Dania’s students work with Dan Dryer to make the company's iconic hand dryer more environmentally friendly.
Artiklen fortsætter under billedet Students helping one company with green goals
Erhvervsakademi Dania

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Third semester Production Technology students from Randers will focus on design and sustainability for one of Dan Dryer's most popular Products - the hand dryer. Among others, the company is a supplier of toilet equipment for airports like Frankfurt Airport, for public institutions and retail chains as well as for the railway industry for markets like Germany and France.

Customers focus on sustainability

For Dan Dryer, the cooperation is an opportunity to get some new ideas. Additionally, they experience that in their industry customers' demands are constantly changing.

"Our customers want to be as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible, and therefore they put the pressure on us as suppliers. Therefore, we are open to ideas for design and new ways for optimization. Perhaps our hand dryers could be lighter as transport becomes cheaper and more environmentally friendly, or perhaps the packaging could be optimized. It will be interesting to see what the students come up with, "explains the director of Dan Dryer, Susanne Eden.

The students are also excited about the cooperation.

"It is an exciting project for two reasons. Firstly, it is a local company that we will be able to help and secondly, they experience a change in the customers' needs. It is obvious that they make high quality products, but right now there is an increased focus on environmental friendliness and therefore they have to react on that, "says Rune Walberg, production technology student from Randers.


At the end of the two-month project, Dania's students will present their projects to the company.

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