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Life with a BA degree from Dania

BA graduate from Dania Academy is living the dream with an exciting job. Marianne Svenningsen finished her Bachelor degree in International Hospitality Management in 2014 and now takes care of 600 employees on a daily basis.
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Erhvervsakademi Dania

Marianne's journey started with an AP degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Dania in Randers. She chose to go abroad for her internships and got a job immediately after graduation. "My AP internship was in Aarhus in Hotel Atlantic and my BA internship was in Malaysia. After my AP degree exam, I was immediately hired by Atlantic Hotel and afterwards I got hired by ISS to work in BEUMER Group, three months before finishing the BA. It is nice knowing that there is room for me in the industry when I finish and that I will not go directly to the unemployment line", explains Marianne.

A relevant job

Today, Marianne works at a German enterprise named BEUMER Group in Aarhus. The company provides solutions and support for airports, postal facilities as well as to warehouses and distribution centers. She is an outsourced employee by international corporation ISS A/S that offers facility services and management. She takes care of the organization's personnel, does budgeting assignments and runs errands for various venues.

"I was hired by ISS three months before getting my diploma from Dania. Now I work at the front desk, administrating guest visits, meetings, hotel bookings and taking care of the personnel. I also work with event planning, which was one of the skills acquired during my BA studies", says Marianne.

Although she was at first afraid of some of the courses taught at Campus Randers, Marianne admits that she is grateful having them. "I was scared of the economics and financing classes. I was skeptical whether I will ever need to use that knowledge again or not. To be honest, I use economics every day at work. I am in charge of purchasing and budgeting for all the events, meetings and other venues here at BEUMER Group", she says.

No two days are the same 

With a relevant job, the BA graduate from Dania is happy with her choice and the industry she is working in. "I always wanted to work with hospitality management. I love being close to people and my job allows me to do this every day. I get to walk around the place, talk to the employees and hear what they have to say. I must also make sure that everything is alright", smiles Marianne.

Finishing an international study programme weighs considerably in her job. Aside from the daily tasks at BEUMER Group, Marianne is also a personnel instructor. A few times a year, she teaches a service course to ISS employees. "I learned about several cultures at Dania. In my current job, I deal with many nationalities and I am grateful for having studied in an international environment."

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