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Innovative Culture class at Dania in Viborg

The Marketing Management students from Viborg were part of an out-of-the-box teaching experience during their Culture class. Instead of the regular class presentation, lecturer Mette Petersen chose to take the students out of their classroom for a more interactive lesson.
Artiklen fortsætter under billedet Two young students smiling
Erhvervsakademi Dania

Both Danish and international students studying Marketing Management at Dania Academy in Viborg took part in a different class. "In culture class, 66 Danish and international students were taught together in one room. This is an interactive way of establishing an actual relation and learning from other cultures while working together. We finished the last day with a 'mini fair' in the auditorium where the students had to present a country but instead of just presenting one after the other, the students had to go around and interact with the stands and communicate the other groups. It was a good experience and I see that the students enjoyed it", says Mette Petersen, lecturer at Dania in Viborg.

Effective teaching methods at Dania

As expected, the outcome of the Mini Fair event was entirely positive as students' reactions come as a confirmation of the success. "Nice event! This is not an ordinary class. It is great to meet people and learn about their cultures. Not often we have the chance to interact so for me it is a learning experience, about the people and their cultural background", says Omar Mehedi Jalal, international marketing management student who was telling visitors about Bangladesh.

Camilla, Nicolai and Cipi are telling people about Romania. "Today's event is a fantastic opportunity for us to learn about culture. Organizing it in this manner makes us interact more. We, from the Danish programme, do not often have the chance to speak English, so this was a good exercise as well. Cipi is from Romania, he taught us many things about his country, and now we can tell others about it too. I see it as valuable exchange of information", explains Nicolai Haugo who studies Marketing Management in Danish.

"It is so nice that we are mixed and out of the classroom. It is an innovative way of doing a regular class. They should continue doing this. For me it is really working", says Camilla Damgaard Rasmussen, Marketing Management student

Mix and mingle

Not very often the Danish and international Marketing classes get to meet. Usually, the two homonym classes are gathered for the Introduction trip, Innovation days and other events and workshops. This time it was different as the two met for a regular day-to-day class.

"We do not get to meet the Danish students too much and I think this is a nice chance to do this. We can learn about their culture and vice-versa. We can also make new friends", smiles Georgiana Mitronici, international Marketing Management student.

Isabella Tagesen is one of the Danish students who chose the international Marketing Management study programme and together with her teammates she prepared a stand about the Emirates. "For me it is easy to mingle because I have the language on my side, but I know that for the internationals it can be hard to do this. That is why today's event it is a step forward for everyone. They should do this more often", explains Isabella.

Our intern, Anne-Mette also visited the fair because the idea caught her attention. "It is fun! They are all together and they really seem to have prepared seriously for this event. I see it as a great way to spend your Friday classes", smiles Anne-Mette Hansen, administration economy student from Viborg.

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