Marketing Lead to Design
“I started out at the AP Degree in Marketing Management at Dania Academy in Randers, and continued with the top-up in International Sales and Marketing Management at Aarhus Academy. I graduated in January 2013. At Dania, the education was mainly focused on marketing, whereas the top-up degree had more emphasis on sales.
My passion for design and graphic began at Dania. I had my camera and experience in photography, but the subject “Reklame” with Bo Sybrandt made me fall in love with design. I love to build things, always did, but during the subjects I realised “wow – this is what I want to do.” I really, really love the years I spent learning things.
Interesting Internships
I really enjoyed the internships. During the AP Degree I was at a real estate company in Barcelona, where almost everybody was from other countries in Europe and the rest of the world. My second internship at the top-up degree was at Sputnik 5, an Aarhus based company making ideation workshops for companies and training people to solve problems in an innovative way.
While in the BAA I attended Startup Weekend and I got captivated by the process of creating ideas and being part of their development. “The design role really suits me”.
Now an Entrepreneur
Our work with Swipes came naturally. Yana and Kasper, the two other entrepreneurs needed a designer and I started to work with them initially on a dating app. We realised the need for an app to organise our own schedule, and Swipes was born. Now we have 35.000 users worldwide. It is cool to create something that helps other people. I love it, and I enjoy working with start-ups. Right now we are in the midst of developing the next version that will be ready in mid-October. I am involved with the product design and visual identity of it.
Staying in Denmark?
“Right now I am considering the future. To achieve what we are aiming for with our product and our business, there is a chance I might move back to Bulgaria to keep living cost as low as possible. But to be honest, I love Denmark and can see my future here. So it is a hard choice to make.”