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Be open-minded and go abroad with Erasmus+

Meet Pierre and Shiwani, Erasmus students at Dania Academy. They chose to come to Denmark for a semester as exchange students to study Marketing Management and shared their experiences with us.
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Erhvervsakademi Dania

23-year-old Pierre from Belgium came to Denmark after several other experiences abroad. As a global-oriented person Pierre comes from EPHEC Haute Ecole and was part of the leaders team in an international programme. "I have always liked to travel and to get as much international experience as possible, and therefore I enrolled in a special CISV programme in Sweden where I was a leader for one summer. The programme had the purpose of educating and inspiring for peace through building inter-cultural friendships and through learning-by-doing exercises", explains Pierre.

Shiwani comes from EBC Hochschule in Hamburg. As part of her education, she was required to go abroad for one semester. Like Pierre, the Fashion Luxury and Retail Management student also chose Denmark.

Why Denmark?

Both students have good reasons for choosing Denmark and Dania. Pierre is preoccupied with cultural aspects, while Shiwani is interested in the practical aspect of the experience. "I want to learn as much as possible about people and about their culture. I believe it is very useful for my personal and professional growth", says Pierre, while Shiwani explains: "I speak German on a daily basis, but I never had the chance to speak English this much. Studying abroad gave me the possibility to enrich my linguistic skills and I am grateful for that."

Although both come from big cities, they got used to the quiet lifestyle and environment in Viborg. "At first I was struck by the big differences between Hamburg and Viborg. I was used to the big city life and rush. However, I learned so many things about Viborg in the meantime and I became fond of it. The nature is lovely and the environment is very safe and clean", explains Shiwani.

Exchange student at Dania

As in most cases, Pierre and Shiwani have experienced many differences between the Danish educational system and the one in their home countries. "I like the special way of teaching, which is informal, yet very practical. I am happy with my choice and my recommendation for other students is to be open-minded and go abroad. You will not regret it", concludes Pierre.

The two students were granted the Erasmus+ financial support for their semester abroad.

Pierre and Shiwani's semester abroad at Dania in Denmark was supported financially by the European program Erasmus+. An important aim of Erasmus+ is to enable as many young Europeans as possible to take a semester or do their internship abroad.

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